Nowadays, companies are taking advantage of remote work by hiring remote employees. While there are many possibilities in remote working, the hiring process can be challenging, since it’s different from hiring in-house staff and having in-person interviews.
The good news is, hiring remote work doesn’t have to be challenging. Here are 10 tips on how to hire new employees for remote work.
1. Plan Ahead
“Before hiring remote workers for your company, you’ll need to prepare for their employment,” says Terry Thompson, a business blogger at 1 Day 2 write and Write my X. “Make sure that there are remote jobs to come to. Make sure that the remote jobs you offer will be beneficial to your company, before greenlighting the prospects of remote work.”
2. Get Everyone On The Same Page
All remote employees will operate differently from each other. For example, while one remote worker will want to utilize their webcam for video chats, another worker might be hesitant in using a webcam. That’s why your company should work with your remote staff on a consensus on the preferred communication method – one that everyone can use.
3. Play With Your Technology
With technology these days, some people might not know how to use some or all of it. First, test your own technology before recommending it to your remote staff. That means making sure that:
- Your camera and microphone work on your computer.
- Your computer and or device is updated to the latest version.
- All distractions are put on “Silent Mode” or “Do Not Disturb.”
- Your Internet speed is acceptable.
4. Know Your “Ideal” Candidate
Knowing your “ideal candidate” is essential, because you’d want to hire good talent. So, when writing down the “ideal candidate” in your job description, keep the following questions in mind:
- What kind(s) of skills are you looking for in a person?
- What types of experiences should potential hires possess?
- What kind of education do you expect from potential hires?
- What types of devices do you want potential hires to have experience working with?
- What types of devices do you want potential hires to have experience working with?
- Does this person has an arrest record? (You can check if someone has a criminal background on this page.)
5. Don’t Ignore Soft Skills And Experience
While potential hires possess their own skills, in today’s society, those hires don’t have to have a Master’s degree or some other higher education to apply for a remote job. In fact, many remote jobs cater to applicants seeking entry-level work.
Therefore, it’s best not to ignore soft skills and experience, because chances are, your company will find it beneficial to hire that kind of talent.
6. Preview The Job To Potential Hires
While a job may look and sound good on paper, why not demonstrate it to job applicants?
Create a guided video tour of your company, demonstrating the following to job seekers:
- What the job is
- How to do the job
- Why this job is beneficial to the job applicant, etc.
7. Virtual Job Tryouts
“It pays to see how candidates will serve you, should they get hired,” says Alexander Briggs, a business writer at Brit Student and Next Coursework. “Virtual tryouts allow you to see how potential hires will serve you. On the same token, tryouts allow candidates to showcase their skills and strengths, which can show how and why they’re right for the job, making the job application process easier.”
8. Allow Collaboration in Hiring and Training
Groups are a fun way to learn about a new job. Therefore, you can onboard new employees by placing them in groups. This allows for healthy competition among applicants, along with easy cross-training and a more efficient onboarding process.
9. Make your Expectations Clear
As a company, you expect great things in your employees – the same goes for your remote staff. That’s why it’s important to make clear your expectations when hiring remote talent. Expectations should include the following:
- What you expect for remote worker response times
- How you want remote staff to view company culture
- How you want remote staff to track their working hours, etc.
10. Build Relationships
Finally, don’t treat your remote workers as commodities – they’re people too! That means creating stable and long-lasting relationships with your remote staff. Perhaps, during the weekend, you and the remote staff can have virtual luncheons or virtual game night to take their minds off of work for a while? You may be surprised to see how fun remote workers can be in their spare time!
Ultimately, remote work can be a new experience for both companies and job seekers. So, why not make it easy and effective for job seekers by offering a great remote work hiring experience for everyone?
Good luck!
Michael Dehoyos is a writer and editor at Write my case study. He is also a contributing writer at Origin Writings. As a business analyst, he helps companies improve their marketing strategies and concepts.